Ben lives on a small island with his father, the lighthouse keeper, his little sister and his beloved dog. He misses his mother, who suddenly disappeared from one day to the next years ago, and thinks a lot about the wonderful stories and fairytales of enchanted and enchanting underwater creatures that she told. His sister Saoirse also likes to hear these fairy tales and would like to spend more time with her big brother, but he doesn't want to know anything about her, after all, he blames her for their mother's disappearance. What Ben doesn't know: Saoirse is hiding an incredible secret...
This moving animated film, masterfully crafted and overflowing with visual detail, weaves together characters from the Irish mythological world with a story of loss and grief, affection and solidarity.
Ben lives on a small island with his father, the lighthouse keeper, his little sister and his beloved dog. He misses his mother, who suddenly disappeared from one day to the next years ago, and thinks a lot about the wonderful stories and fairytales of enchanted and enchanting underwater creatures that she told. His sister Saoirse also likes to hear these fairy tales and would like to spend more time with her big brother, but he doesn't want to know anything about her, after all, he blames her for their mother's disappearance. What Ben doesn't know: Saoirse is hiding an incredible secret...
This moving animated film, masterfully crafted and overflowing with visual detail, weaves together characters from the Irish mythological world with a story of loss and grief, affection and solidarity.